Excess Baggage

Someone’s voice is a powerful part of them and as I listened to an old talk by a former elder of our church I was also struck by the rich timbre of his voice, and the clear enunciation, which I had forgotten. A voice seems to bring a person back to us even when they’ve gone to glory. Isn’t it extraordinary that in a church I have lived in all my life, just a couple of words and instantly I know the voice!

It’s an old Sunday sermon by Norman Todd with this title ‘Excess Baggage’ which caught my eye. It struck me that Norman himself didn’t carry much excess baggage. I recall one elders prayer meeting at his house in Ellasdale Road where we had begun a discussion on a hot topic, and after a few minutes Norman expressed a view in no uncertain terms that we were here to pray! I also know that he spent a lot of time in personal work with those inside and outside the church.

Norman focuses quite a lot on Paul and the baggage he was carrying. He also comments that habits can be a problem – a good question to ask is whether the habit was formed from studying God’s Word or whether it’s come from the world.

I am so conscious of the excess baggage I carry; it’s definitely lightened the load to not have a permanent teaching contract any longer. Possessions can be a burden, so can relationships or even the remains of relationships. We must let go if we are to be fruitful for Him. He prunes those branches that do not bear fruit.

I was also reminded of a song by Steve Taylor which includes the phrase ‘excess baggage’. The chorus is: I just wanna know am I pulling people closer? I just wanna be pulling them to you. I just wanna stay angry at the evil. I just wanna be hungry for the true.

The song begins: Life’s too short for small talk. It really is, yet on we go having random conversations about the weather, ticket office closures, floods, fires – let’s bring these topics round to the glory of God and make a difference for him. When you’re running a race, you happily run light. He is calling us to run lighter.

The Lord reminded me of a verse earlier this week and was calling me into it:

Micah 6:8

(NKJV): 8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;

And what does the Lord require of you

But to do justly,

To love mercy,

And to walk humbly with your God?

About stayingfaithful

I am looking for anything that relates to life and to a fuller life. I love running, reading (English teacher), being a parent and husband, and being involved in my local church and community. Books, the Bible, daily life, literature, friendship - all topics I write on.
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